
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-09
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摘  要:本文主要根据农业在社会中的重要作用,物理在农业中的运用,描述物理的特性,阐述物理在农业中的重要作用,以及物理知识如何贯穿到农业中。物理学在农业中的运用甚广。声学,光学,电磁学等物理知识在农业中的运用都极其广泛,在这里我们主要来研究电磁学与光学在农业中的运用,先了解电磁学、光学的一些特性,再把电磁学与光学具体运用到农业中。由此可以知道物理与农业的关系及其密切,甚至农业成为一种依赖物理学发展的现代知识。



ABSTRACT:Base on the importance of argricuture to our social life, in this essay, I want to illustrate the essencial role physics plays in argriculture from the perspectives of describing its characteristic, introducing its application and practices of taking physics knowledge into use in agriculture life.  Physics, like Acoustics, Optics and Electromagnetism are widely used in agriculture. Here, I mainly focuse on Optics and Electromagnetism. First, the basic characteristics of  Optics and Electromagnetism; second, the specification of the utilization of Optics and Electromagnetism in agriculture. To draw a conclusion, Physics is closly related to agriculture, or, to go further, it has been a foundamental base of modern agriculture's devolopment.


上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:随着物理学及物理技术的快速发展,物理技术在农业中已经得到越来越广泛的应用,伴随而来的物理农业技术便迎合了这一基本要求。如何在应用物理农业技术的条件下,生产出大量绿......
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