
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-10
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ABSTRACT:Indium byproduct of mainly from zinc smelting extract. In the 1960s, people PNP solvent extraction separation and purification of indium. Production adopts leaching - extraction recovery work, but total recovery is not high. Therefore, to improve indium total recovery, in addition to leaching process improvement from the outside, seeking better extract craft level extraction conditions, enhances crate indium is to increase extraction ratio of total recovery of one of the path. 

   In the design, the teacher given conditions of extraction phase, choose the material balance, improve water balance, extraction box design and calculation, and the equipment choice according to the actual need and possibility, as far as possible, with advanced equipment. Structure. Materials and new technology. Be technologically advanced and economically rational, reduce the pollution of the environment. 

Keywords: Indium ; Workshop ;Design

上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:本设计主要内容是萃取相的改进以及设备的选择根据老师提供的条件,再根据相关计算,选择相应的设备,对车间布置进行优化,实现最大限度对铟的提起。随着对铟各种性质认识的深......
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