
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:isis 更新时间:2014-08-15
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摘要:以正硅酸四乙酯为硅源(TEOS),用溶胶凝胶法制备了SiO2干凝胶和粉体,研究了盐酸(HCL)与醋酸(HAc)、锰离子以及热处理温度对其光致发光性能的影响。结果表明:激发光为210nm时,随热处理温度的增加,SiO:HCL干凝胶发光强度先下降,后上升,而 SiO:HAc发光强度为先上升,后下降。热处理温度为300°C时,发光强度II,升高至500°C、700°C 时,I﹤I。SiO:HCL的发光峰位为341nm、423nm,而SiO:HAc的为360nm、435nm。掺杂锰离子后,随热处理温度的升高,样品的发光强度均逐渐降低,而发光峰位没有变化,位于341nm,423nm处。



Abstract:Using TEOS as the silica source, SiO2 xerogel and powder are prepared by sol-gel techniques. We have studied the hydrochloric acid (HCL) and acetic acid (HAc), manganese ions and heat treatment temperature on the light-induced luminescent properties. The results showed that when the excitation light is 210nm, with the increase of annealing temperature, SiO2: HCL luminous intensity of the first drop of dry gel, and then increased, while the SiO2: HAc luminous intensity is first increase and then decreased. When heat treatment temperature is 300°C, the luminous intensity II, rising to 500°C, 700°C while, I﹤I. SiO2: HCL emission peak position for the 341nm, 423nm, and SiO2: HAc for 360nm, 435nm. Doped with manganese ions, with the heat treatment temperature, the sample of luminous intensity decreased gradually, while the emission peak position does not change, at 341nm, 423nm.  

Keywords: Silica; Photoluminescence; Catalyst; Activator; Temperature 

上传会员 isis 对本文的描述:根据发光原理的不同主要类型有:光致发光、阴极射线发光、电致发光、热释发光、光释发光、辐射发光等。无机荧光材料的代表为稀土离子发光及稀土荧光材料,其优点是吸收能力强......
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