
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:isis 更新时间:2014-08-15
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Abstract:With the premise of steady-state method, there are two kinds of methods to utilize the TC-3B thermal conductivity meter. They are the use of the meter with its ventilator open and the use of the meter without its ventilator open. The DR-II thermal conductivity meter works to heat the platen to 80℃ with the voltage of 200V, then switch the voltage to 100V, then to 100V, and then to 150V. The present study will measure the coefficient of heat conductivity of several different kinds of materials. Through the analysis and discussions of the data and founding, as well as the time period of becoming steady state from measuring, the author will make a conclusion about the better meter and the better measuring method. Some suggestions are also offered to improve the measurement with thermal conductivity meter in steady-state method.

Keywords: Steady-state method; Coefficient of heat conductivity; Measurement

上传会员 isis 对本文的描述:本实验采用稳态法进行测量,通过TC-3B导热系数仪和DR-II 导热系数仪用不同的方法对各种材料的导热系数的测量,通过结果的比较分析,得出那种方法好,两套仪器在测量方面那套好的结......
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