
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:isis 更新时间:2014-08-15
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Abstract:presents a new method of measuring acceleration of gravity. In the three-string- pendulum moment of inertia measurement and verification of parallel axis theorem experiment need to know basic physical constants. Therefore, the known moment of inertia and the parallel axis theorem based on the measurement can be derived are the acceleration of gravity method, a known three-string-pendulum moment of inertia under the disc, using the three formulas pendulum rotation cycle deformation can get three experimental pendulum gravity acceleration formula; Another is the use of three-disc release put both under the same rules as the quality of the small cylinder, but located in different locations, by two of inertia, parallel axis theorem then calculated by the formulas to the experimental measurement of acceleration of gravity formula. Experimental design based on principles of experimental program, measured by experiments under different cycloid length measured acceleration of gravity results. The results then the value of local acceleration of gravity compared to optimum standards of experimental measurements, thus get a more reasonable three-string-pendulum gravity acceleration best cycloid length to carry out this experiment for the future to provide simple, feasible, accurate experimental methods.

Keywords: Three-string- pendulum; Gravity acceleration; Rotational of inertia

上传会员 isis 对本文的描述:三线摆测量重力加速度这不仅介绍了一种测量重力加速度的新方法,而且打破了原有的“三线摆只测量转动惯量和验证平行轴定理”的定向思维,给大学生物理创新实验提供了一些启示......
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