
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:isis 更新时间:2014-08-15
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Abstract:Measuring light wavelength with biprism interference is a very important experiment in the research and teaching of basic physics. Its experimental device is a kind of typical points of interfering device, it surf experimental principle is to use double prism light refraction image of the second two trophies for coherent light source, and produce deficiency, which measured interference field of light wavelengths.

   This experiment is a measure of the key link between two empty coherent light sources in the distance, experimental teaching materials mostly adopts the second imaging method for measuring the two empty space coherent light source. But, this experiment adjustment is difficult, time-consuming, instrument regulation is bad, can't even finish the experiment task. In physics to the same physical measurement often there are lots of different ways. However, experimental teaching materials for the introduction of the very few other methods This paper use an imaging method, spectrometer Angle measurement method, tangent method and secondary imagery bulb two empty methods for measuring the distance between coherent light sources. Through the above-mentioned four measuring methods compared various experimental research, difficulty of experimental method, the accuracy of experimental results, summarized the characteristics and advantages of various methods. 

Keywords: Biprism interference; Wavelength; Virtual light source distance; Spectrometer angle method; Tangent method bulb

上传会员 isis 对本文的描述:通过用二次成像法、一次成像法、分光计测角法、灯泡相切法来测量两虚光源进行实验研究,比较各种实验方法的难易程度,实验结果的准确度,归纳总结出各种方法的特点与优势......
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