
资料分类:教育理论 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-13
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关键词:科学课程 物理课程 衔接教育 教学方案


Abstract: Any learning must be in certain study preparation, on this basis can be below. This can improve students to study efficiency, and make learning in time and energy consumption on economic and reasonable. At present, the science course from primary school begins to open, grade eight to nine grade students of physical knowledge and scientific literacy or derived from elementary school science class the teaching, the subject is in this special background, in such a phase of the students as the research object, and to the teaching material to excavate it. This paper studies how to to elementary school science classes as the foundation, the more effectively on junior high school physics teaching. 

  Want to study with junior high school physical science elementary school in cohesion, the first to present the development of elementary school science courses have certain knowledge, such as professor elementary school science course teachers' comprehensive quality, but must understand elementary school science at present circumstances, as well as to open science curriculum value degree. In addition, also need to the junior middle school students have some survey, understand the supply of knowledge prospect in junior high school students. 

  The author respectively through the curriculum standard, the elementary school science teacher teaching with junior high school physical cohesion are studied, according to the actual need we found that the content of the material for comparative analysis. 

Keywords: science courses; physics teaching for connecting teaching

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:笔者通过查阅各种期刊以及学位论文发现,关于衔接教育研究的论文很多,层次深浅不一,在物理学科方面更多侧重的是初中与高中,高中与大学的衔接。概括起来有如下几个类型:......
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