
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:姐妹花 更新时间:2014-01-19
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关键词:错误仲裁  撤销裁决  不予执行 重新仲裁


Abstract:When the arbitral tribunal or the arbitrator makes wrong decision due to the violation of the law or fact, the remedy for the incorrect arbitration ,as a mechanism to correct the wrong trial through the justice procedure, can be applied to practical cases. If such a kind of case occurred, the party to the case may ask the court with jurisdiction for two ways –nonexecution of the arbitration or withdraw the arbitration, both of them are available in China.This thesis illustrates the essence of the arbitration remedy and then discusses the current mechanism in China, combined with the legislation abroad. Some defects still exists in the application of canceling the arbitration, as for the nonexecution of the arbitration, it has some conflicts with canceling the arbitration ,but it should not be removed. After all, both of them need further improvement.

Key words:error arbitration  cancellation of an award   refuse to implement   re-arbitration


上传会员 姐妹花 对本文的描述:本文在对仲裁裁决救济机制确立之依据从理论上予以阐释的基础之上,对我国现有机制运行之机理加以析明,并通过借鉴国外立法,最终得出结论:申请撤销裁决在适用上存在缺陷,须予改进......
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