
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:失去才懂珍惜 更新时间:2014-03-03
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Abstract:Chiang Kai-shek launched the New Life Movement in Nanchang in order to resume the China traditional morality in 1934. The campaign claimed to be through the restoration of traditional morality, by means of resume "propriety,  righteousness,  honesty,  and a sense of shame” which was the basic spirit of the founding of China in thousands years. Rebuilding the country from daily life, to innovative individuals, and thus transform the society and finally to achieve national rejuvenation and the purpose of building a new country. Yet another distinctive Confucian Chiang Kai-shek : Mixture of western capitalist spirit civilization of certain lifestyle and deutsche fascist spirit. From “the diary of Wang ZiZhuang” can peep out Chiang kai-shek unique Confucius means has the background of that time and political status for political influence, and has the legitimacy of dictatorial and maintenance regime needs. 

Key words:New life movement, Chiang kai-shek, Confucius, the national spirit


上传会员 失去才懂珍惜 对本文的描述:新生活运动有时被当成是一场无益且颇具滑稽色彩的尝试,因为这一尝试的目的是通过复活儒家的道德观和制定人际关系的特别规定来使国家获得新生。对于许多研究者来说,这一运动......
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