
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:失去才懂珍惜 更新时间:2014-03-03
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关键词:淮海战役  实际兵力  伤亡人数


Abstract:Huaihai compaign was a main battle lasted for sixty-five days since November 6, 1948 to January 10, 1949 , which determined the fate of both of the nationalist party and communist party . The nationalist party had about 800,000 Soldiers and the communist party had about 600,000 before the compaign. This article holds the idea that the whole number of soldiers has noting to do with the result of the battle through analyzing the three stages of the whole process. The number changed with the situation of the battle and some policies of the communist party. The communist party finally succeeded via flexible military deployment and powerful movement. At each stage, the communist party had dominant force in every particle battle.

Keywords:Huaihai compaign  The actual military strength  Casualties


上传会员 失去才懂珍惜 对本文的描述:本文通过对战役三阶段的具体分析,认为共产党通过灵活的部署以及强大的运动性,变劣势为优势,在各阶段局部战斗中,在兵力上都是占优势的。......
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