
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:失去才懂珍惜 更新时间:2014-03-03
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关键字:意大利军队  北非战场  隆美尔  非洲军  溃败


Abstract:Among World War II, Italy did the Axis powers is concerned, there was nothing commendable exploits, but instead withdrew the German back.When fighting in North Africa, Italy, when the army and fight alongside the Germans in Germany under the command of generals, to complete a little combat missions..Generally speaking the Italian military forces in North Africa as a failure.For historical reasons, and the lack of drums of war power, there is no consensus on the war from above the root causes of defeat, combined with the wrong military strategy, inability of the military commanders, and the inferior military equipment, lack of training, the war defeatis not made to avoid.North Africa directly contributed to the failure of the Allies quickly captured the Italian mainland, and promote the process of World War II.German and Italian fascists in North Africa to explore the failure of the battlefield, the Italian military during World War II as there are more comprehensive understanding can be more clear understanding of the battlefield in North Africa, Italy, the role played by in-depth understanding of Italy's military weakness in the entire World War II reasons.

Key words::Italian troops  North Africa battlefield   Rommel   The African Army    Defeat


上传会员 失去才懂珍惜 对本文的描述:本文通过意大利的角度分析,通过意大利自身军事,经济实力,军事指挥,战略意图,以及作为盟友的德国的战略意图和所面对的敌人——盟军强大的实力等全面的分析,探究德意法西......
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