
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:失去才懂珍惜 更新时间:2014-03-03
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关键词:明代 土司制度 鄂西土司 容美土司


Abstract: Toast system under its system, both in traced all previous central dynastic rule is minority area of rule measures.Under its policy in some on the basis of summarizing the evolution and development chieftain system for more strictly. In this paper HuAn provinces in western hubei toast of Ming dynasty for example, mainly from the western hubei toast with ShouZhi retention and nobility, lifting the two big aspects, compared with other western hubei toast ethnic minority regions toast, I think that: only WuZhi, occupying a stable higher, hed. Secondly by analyzing let beauty toast with surrounding toast handle the relationship between the military crackdown, implement marriage and the policy that makes let beauty toast in the Ming dynasty, reached the peak.

Key Words: Ming Dynasty Toast system In western hubei toast  Let beauty toast


上传会员 失去才懂珍惜 对本文的描述:对鄂西土司的研究向来不被学者重视,所以论述鄂西土司的文献也较少,本文写作的目的在于弄清鄂西地区土司的数量、职衔以及与中央政权的关系,对鄂西土司的研究向来不被学者重......
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