
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:mi胖胖 更新时间:2014-11-14
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关键词:蔡元培;  陈独秀;  历史条件;  教育思想;  比较


Abstract: CAI yuanpei and Chen duxiu was a pioneer of the modern Chinese education career,they made a significant contribution to the development of modern Chinese education,their education ideology not only had important influence at that time, for our education reform today there is still a big inspiration。Gradually formed educational thought by Cai and Chen have a profound impact on the historical background of the time,in the case of being influenced by Chinese traditional culture education equality ideology and Western democracy, and to form a perfect combination of Chinese actual conditions。They made a chang on all of the original old education theory ,respectively, puts forward a new education policy,“the five domains simultaneously, harmonious development” and“four-ism”。At the same time they also put forward new requirements for a specific education content ,CAI yuanpei stressed that “healthy personality, can be divided into four:moral education,physical education,intellectual education, aesthetic education”,Chen duxiu’s contents of the education reform and CAI yuanpei’s are similar, he emphasized three education of morality,intelligence and physique,and“poor elements don't rush to the moral education, and sports,if intellectual education,is after the quantity not too late”。In addition to the old method of education they also have put forward new demands, opposition poured-style teaching, advocated heuristic teaching。

Key words: CAI yuanpei;  Chen duxiu;  historical conditions;  educational thought; comparison

上传会员 mi胖胖 对本文的描述:从此,蔡元培决心“志以教育,挽彼伦胥”。[2]陈独秀作为中国共产党的创始人之一,不仅为我国政治做出重要贡献,还积极投身于教育事业,写了大量的教育论文并进行了许多教育演......
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