
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:小九 更新时间:2017-03-15
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Abstract: During the period of the 1950s and the 1960s, with the rise of the national liberation movement, and the independence of the British overseas colonies in succession, a large number of Commonwealth immigrants flocked to Britain and thus caused a series of problems. Under this pressure, the British government enacted The Commonwealth Immigrants Act of 1962 to limit immigration, but the Act did not achieve the expected effect. The increase of the number of colored immigrants caused  a great panic, which led to the continual rising of racial sentiments in Britain. Negative reports by local media and racists’ propaganda also had exacerbated racial sentiments. Meanwhile, the deterioration of British economic condition made immigration problems get worse, which resulted in the situation where the domestic public presented an anti-immigrant attitude. Therefore, the British government enacted The Commonwealth Immigrants Act of 1968.


Key Words: Britain ,Immigration policy,the Commonwealth Immigrants Act

上传会员 小九 对本文的描述:战后初期,由于英联邦与英国的特殊关系,英国政府并未对英联邦移民采取限制措施。移民人数增多对英国社会造成了一些问题,英国政府迫于压力于1962年颁布了战后第一部移民限制法......
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