
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:每日一篇 更新时间:2013-06-27
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关键词:   清东陵    石雕    艺术    发展演变



   Eastern Qing Tombs of the Qing Dynasty in China is an important tomb complex. Among them, Junji, Kangxi and Qianlong, Xianfeng, Tongzhi, five emperors of the Qing Dynasty burial tomb for the main group. Through these years Eastern Qing Tombs of excavation and research, its exquisite stone carving art more and more people's attention. Detection based on the results of this paper, field trips, historical records and archaeological data analysis, the Eastern Qing Tombs stone into works of art combined with the distribution of stone, stone materials and stone carving techniques of three parts. Eastern Qing Tombs and the layout of ancient tombs of stone composition of the overall development is reflected by a fan to the simple process. Stone subject matter,Reflects the main theme of Buddhist culture, gradually absorbed the characteristics of Confucian culture. Qing Dynasty stone carving techniques have been developed, mature. These characteristics reflect the Qing Dynasty by the Qing Dynasty of China was strong, exquisite stone carvings, to the decline of the decline of the late Qing Dynasty, the dynasty stone to reduce the rise and fall.

Key Words: Eastern Qing Tombs    Stone carving    art     Evolution


上传会员 每日一篇 对本文的描述:石雕艺术作品分为石雕组合与布局、石雕题材和石雕技法三部分。清东陵历代皇陵石雕组合与布局的整体发展,体现出来的是一个由繁至简的过程。石雕题材上,反映了以佛教文化题材......
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