
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:了不起的盖茨比 更新时间:2013-08-31
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ABSTRACT:He Guizhen was a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations of Daoguang reign, who came from Shizong county of Yunnan province. In the thirtieth years of Daoguang reign, he was ordered to work in the Forbidden City, where his knowledge was paid much attention by Xianfeng emperor, and he was not only as the Fujun prince's teacher,but also had a close relationship with Xianfeng emperor. While after Xianfeng emperor was enthroned, he was not popular anymore because he always expressed what he wanted to directly. In the year of 1854, he was sent to Anhui province to repress the Taiping Army, finally he was dead there. Nine years later, on Zen Guofang's request, the Qing government redressed He Guizhen's grievance, and he was conferred the posthumous name as" Wenzhen".

Keywords:He Guizhen; Shizong county of Yunnan province; the teacher of  Xianfeng emperor; Zen Guofan




上传会员 了不起的盖茨比 对本文的描述:何桂珍作为一名文人,他的著作很多都反映了自身的思想和对社会的见解。何桂珍一生著作颇多,主要有《何文贞公遗书》六卷,《续理学正宗》四卷,《训蒙千字文》一卷,《大学衍......
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