
资料分类:美术论文 上传会员:每日一篇 更新时间:2013-06-28
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   Pomegranate itself has drug value, TCM believes that its of temperature and taste SuanSe gump, thirst, hemostatic, diarrhoea, stop take effect. Pomegranate wine keeps pomegranate original natural style, and do not destroy the nutrition and health care function, of pure natural health wine is tasted, it is accord with current consumption to nutrition, health care, hairdressing, delay ageing, improve the body immunity, medicine, food multi-purpose development direction of new fashion taste. As people life water product enhancement, to health of preserve one's health advocate, the market will be better and better. Appear on the market at present many pomegranate wine sales business, make the market competition. Some pomegranate wine industry business gradually formed on market its brand name, have also some only do simple packaging is still no brand image consciousness. Therefore, take time to build up the brand, into this project VI vision system, make its brand occupation certain market share.

Key words: Visual identification; Brand image; Pomegranate wine; Health related


上传会员 每日一篇 对本文的描述:目前市面上出现诸多石榴酒销售的商家,使之市场上的竞争加剧。一些石榴酒行业市面上商家逐渐形成自己的品牌,也有一些仅做简易包装仍无品牌形象意识。因此,抓住树立品牌时机......
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