
资料分类:农业大学 上传会员:lxswj2006 更新时间:2014-06-02
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Abstract: The portulaca rooting and the growth of stems and leave, treated by different concentrations of IBA and GA3, were studied. This experiment aim was to find the most suitable concentration of IBA and GA3 to portulaca tissue culture. The results showed the concentration of 0.50mg/L IBA medium was optimal for the portulaca rooting. And the concentration of 1.00mg/L GA3 medium was the most favorable to the growth of portulaca stems and leaves. This experiment results was benefit to the rapid propagation of portulaca and provide more experimental material for study 

Key words : portulaca ; IBA ; GA3

上传会员 lxswj2006 对本文的描述:近年来,随着马齿苋研究的深入开展,其营养和药用价值逐渐被验证,市场对其品种和数量的要求越来越高。如何利用生物技术选育出优良高产的品种,已成为势在必行的工作。然而,目前......
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