
资料分类:农业大学 上传会员:coffee45 更新时间:2014-11-03
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关键词 蝙蝠蛾拟青霉;固体发酵;活性成分


Abstract:In the experiment,the starting strain of Paecilomyces Hepialidae to the total nucleotide content of culture as an indicator of the strain of the solid fermentation process was a preliminary study.The results showed that the best Hepialidae Paecilomyces solid culture medium with 75% wheat bran, soybean meal 5%, 20% of the rice bran, the best culture conditions for the temperature: 24 ℃, medium water content (solid-liquid ratio) of solid materials: water, 1:1.3, inoculum: 30%.In the optimum medium and cultured under optimal culture conditions of total nucleoside content of the sample is8.636±0.30mg / g. Polysaccharides and also carried out the determination of ergosterol, the results show that the best training in the process of polysaccharide centent was 79.976±0.754mg/g.

Keywords  Paecilomyces Hepialidae  Solid culture  Active ingredient

上传会员 coffee45 对本文的描述:目前国内外都在积极开展培育冬虫夏草的工作,虽已掌握了人工栽培的基本技术,但至今离产业化的实际要求有一些关键的科学和技术问题有待突破与创新......
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