
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-07
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转换比率:金额 X 10=金币数量, 例100元=1000金币 论文字数:18016
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关键词:网络游戏虚拟产品 态度测量 李克特量表 导向定价法


ABSTRACT:In this paper, Likert scale survey 18-25 year old students in school online game virtual product consumption attitudes, discusses how to use the online game operators gamers feedback to continuously improve and perfect online game virtual product marketing strategy . By Likert scale for measuring the attitude of players, analysis of online game players buy virtual product easier to make games hold a positive attitude, and make the purchase online virtual products to enhance personal psychological satisfaction, buy network game virtual product easy to communicate, communicate, and purchase online game virtual product is unforced purchase are relatively unfavorable. Through the above conclusions proposed game operators online game virtual goods spending five suggestions: First, the game operators put forward the concept of designing complex products. Second is the operator of the game made ​​the game props innovation. The third point is the game for the mall in which players are currently fewer cases of communication between the design proposed multi-level exchange platform opinions. Four is for the consumer's attitude to take first meet consumer demand oriented pricing; final point made ​​the game operators and consumers win-win promotion strategy, using the most simple and effective method discounts, and proposed discount several effective methods.

Keywords: Online game virtual product;Attitude Measurement;Likert scale;Oriented pricing


上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:通过李克特量表对玩家进行的态度测量,分析出玩家对购买网络游戏虚拟产品能使玩游戏变得更加轻松持肯定态度,而对购买网游虚拟产品能使个人心理满足感加强,购买网络游戏虚拟......
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