
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-03
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Abstract:The study of the regional economic gap in Jiangsu province is not only contributed to have a full realization of the Jiangsu province's economic development advantages and weakness field, to make formulation and implementation of the regional common development strategy, and to enhance the whole province's overall economic aggregates, to promote the coordinate development of regional economy over the province, but also play an important referential role in the study of the overall national economic gap. The article is based on the comprehensive analysis of the situation of the Jiangsu province's regional economic gap, and it also proposes the specific mitigation measures which have important significance in stimulating the coordinated development of regional economy in Jiangsu. And Jiangsu acts as a major economic province, its economic status will actually hold a stable position and substantially maintained.

Keywords:Regional economies,Present situation,Development differences

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:全面落实国家区域发展总体战略,紧紧抓住长三角区域经济一体化和江苏沿海地区发展上升为国家战略的重大机遇,放大国家战略和政策的叠加效应,加快苏北振兴、苏中崛起、苏南提......
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