
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:巧乐兹 更新时间:2014-05-20
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关键词:绩效技术; 餐饮企业; 培训


Abstract:The performance technology of more than fifty years’ history experienced the routine from initial school education to enterprise training as well as many other areas. And at the beginning, it was just engaged in theories’ study, now it applies the result of those studies to practical activities. However, the studies in many areas are just staying at the surface stage because of their immaturity. In this paper, the writer focuses on the performance technology which applies on the new employees’ training in catering enterprises. What’s more, the author helps to understand and analyze the problems exists in the catering trainings through studying the material of practical model of performance technology as well as internet researching. In addition, the writer tries to improve the general training process by applying the technical theory to it, by which the efficiency and quality of the training in the catering industry can also be improved.

Key words:Performance Technology; catering companies;  training

上传会员 巧乐兹 对本文的描述:现在很多餐饮企业出现培训不受重视,培训方法不正确,培训内容和形式单一等不良现象。绩效技术作为理论的支持,可以大大提高培训效率和质量,给企业培训带来很多益处,为此,......
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