
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:li145533 更新时间:2014-06-21
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Abstract:This article intends to adopt the method of combining theoretical research and data analysis, using the data of investment and trade for the 2003-2012 chart analysis, to study the impact of Japan's direct investment in China's import and export trade, The result demonstrates that there is relationship between Japan to China direct Investment and China's import and export trade ,and analyzes new trends of Japan's investment in China in recent years, and put forward corresponding countermeasures.

   In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this article is divided into three chapters:

   The first chapter finding data, analyses Japan's direct investment in the status quo, the status quo of Sino-Japanese export trade with the chart and Sino-Japanese relations in the new changes on the impact of Japanese import and export trade.

   The second chapter using the data analysis, the use of the 2004-2012 investment and trade data for chart analysis, to study the impact of Japan's direct investment in China's import and export trade structure.

   The third chapter puts forward the corresponding policy recommendations which is based on the previous chapters . 

Keywords: Import and export trade; Direct investment;Regression model; Impact; Advise

上传会员 li145533 对本文的描述:近几年,中日关系在曲折中发展,尤其是2012年一系列事件的影响,中日关系呈现出扑朔迷离的局面,中日关系的变化,间接影响了日本对华直接投资,对中日两国的进出口贸易也产生了......
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