
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:飞舞的丝带 更新时间:2014-07-07
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摘 要:随着2011年黄金价格连续上涨屡创新高,以证券市场,外汇市场和期货市场为代表的金融市场也在本轮黄金价格连创新高的冲击下受到了不同程度的影响。在全球经济情况动荡的环境下,本文通过对于黄金价格连创新高对金融市场的影响展开了研究与讨论。


关键词: 黄金价格 金融市场 前景


Abstract:With the increasing trend of global gold price, financial market, including the securities markets, the foreign exchange markets, and the futures markets. Were challenged by the hit of the current round of gold prices, the article try to make some discussion and advanced analysis through the impact of increasing trend of global gold.

   The first part of the article reviews the recent trend of the price of gold, his second part of the detailed description of the price of gold hit new high for the securities market in the financial markets, foreign exchange market, futures markets and investment banking. In the third part is a combination of the second part of the analysis started a reflection and a reasonable outlook.

Key word:gold price  financial markets outlook

上传会员 飞舞的丝带 对本文的描述:近年来,黄金价格走上了不归路,从640美元/盎司到900美元/盎司,再从1600美元/盎司到2011年8月数次创下新高直至1920美元/盎司,黄金价格在很短的一段时间内价格翻了数倍,仅2011年一年......
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