
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:飞舞的丝带 更新时间:2014-07-07
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摘  要:企业微博营销势在必得。本文在大量案例的基础上,从品牌建设方面对企业微博营销的价值及策略进行了深度的讨论。通过对我国企业微博现状和企业微博营销优势的分析,确定其价值,并最终对企业微博提出了一系列的营销策略,指出企业要通过微博与博友保持长期的良性互动关系,才能提高品牌的知名度、美誉度,推动企业品牌更好的发展。

关键词:企业微博 营销 策略


Abstract:enterprise microblogging marketing aspirations. In a large number of cases on the basis of brand building value of the enterprise microblogging marketing and strategy in-depth discussion. Microblogging status quo of China's enterprises and enterprise microblogging marketing advantage to determine its value, and ultimately enterprise micro pothi the series of marketing strategies, and pointed out that enterprises should maintain long-term positive interaction between Bo and Bo Friends of in order to improve brand awareness, reputation, and to promote the development of corporate brand better.

Keywords: enterprise microblogging marketing strategy

上传会员 飞舞的丝带 对本文的描述:短短140个字让企业品牌从概念走向现实,有效树立企业形象,提升企业的网络声量,提高用户的品牌好感度、美誉度以及忠诚度。微博的功能逐渐从最初的网络娱乐,发展成为企业可以......
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