
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-11
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Abstract:Graduating from boring and tiring high school, teenagers are glad to go to the exciting and free life of college. They usually have a lot of time and money to spend, and then they love to seek what are exciting to make friends. However, they make these come true by tourism. Though the college students have strong feeling to go out for fun, but they lack experience and knowledge of tourism, and they fail to go for vocation finally. As a result, the article will discuss the problem and the reason why the tourism market fall down. And by analyzing the psychology characteristic of college students the tourism market would develop availably.And summarized by the survey questionnaire appears Students Travel Market this problem, such as tourism and tourism products narrow the scope of a single, college students understand the lack of initiative for tourism destinations, the general lack of assertive sexual and tell students and so on.And summarize the issues raised against the feasibility of the strategy, such as the establishment of university students travel market network system, to develop the tourism market potential students manpower advantage for the market features a variety of tourism research methods.

Key words:Guangdong;college student tourism market;development








上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:xx假期旅行社立足校园,以大学生这一特殊群体为目标消费者,致力于通过一系列营销战略战术成功进军大学生市场。本策划书是对学子假期旅行社创立、投入的一个项目策划。目的在于......
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