
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:qiaohao 更新时间:2014-04-30
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关键词:社会工作者 需求特征 激励体系


ABSTRACT:At present, our country is in social and economic transition, social contradictions and social problems emerging, make the people on welfare are increasingly demanding, social services, etc, put forward higher demands for social work. However, the current social workers talent supply and the demand for social workers in social development in our country, the serious imbalance. Therefore, how to attract more social work professionals engaged in the profession of social work, and became a crucial problem. This article writing, to relevant government departments to formulate relevant social work talent training plan to provide certain theoretical reference, conform to the objective requirement of the combination of theoretical research and practical. At the same time, the social worker career in China, demand characteristics and the study of incentive system, to highlight the practical problems in social work talent supply and demand in our country, put forward the innovation points, for the practice of social work talent development and management, have certain application value. The author mainly use questionnaire investigation, literature research and interviews, to students' perspective, mainly from the social workers demand characteristics as the starting point of analysis, so as to elicit corresponding incentive system to discuss how to improve. In this paper, the center of the demand characteristics of the main is through the social workers.

Key words: social workers;  demand characteristics;  incentive system

上传会员 qiaohao 对本文的描述:对当前社会工作者以及该专业的人才的需求特征进行调查研究,更好地指导相关机构建立和完善相关的激励体系,能使得更多的专业人才流向社会工作这一新兴职业领域,同时,也有助......
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