
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:巧乐兹 更新时间:2014-05-21
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【关键词】贺岁档; 票房; 《武林外传》; 《最强喜事》


【Abstract】With the time changes, the New Year Films which originated in Hong Kong evolved into New Year Stalls gradually.It mainly contains rejoicing,happiness and get together with their families.Now, New Year Stalls has become an important schedule every year,some people even called it“Golden Schedule”.And in the market,its box office also maintained a high temperature and high-energy state. 

  The author analyzed two films,one was made in mainland and the other was in Hong Kong.The thesis mainly consists of three parts.First,it try to study the internal factors of the impact on the box office,researching the difference of two areas’ films.Next,it try to find the external factors of the impact on the box office.And it try to study what the differences among the three periods of the release of the box office.Last is researching the impacts of the future New Year markets under the current state of studies.

  New Year Stalls made the films very popular,and the various factors are bound to lead the different levels of box office.In the differ areas that can influence box office with different facorts.Nowadays,there are many competitions for the New Year Stalls,Golden Schedule isn’t equal to the Golden Box Office.But the internal and external factors is extremely significant if you want to get the high box office.

【Key words】New Year Stalls; box office; My Own Swordsman The Movie;Alls Well , Ends Well 2011

上传会员 巧乐兹 对本文的描述:笔者选择大陆的《武林外传》和香港的《最强喜事》,其一是因为这两部影片都是2011年上映的喜剧贺岁片,在具体上映时间上也都很接近,同时这两部影片上映前都有一定的口碑基础(......
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