
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:巧乐兹 更新时间:2014-05-22
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关键词:与时俱进  益智类文化  娱乐性竞争


Abstract:Educational programs as "fei de will watch" becomes popular within a short period of time in the screen,it also lifts the educational programs’ new curtain, so it needs us to explore educational programs become popular is accidental or the requirement of the times. Throughout the history of the development of educational programs, It is a wave of popular as well as the program had been removed, what is left us is enlightenment. Educational programs along the way until now, the existing disadvantages and why it can be a stirring among the dry bones。In connection of above views, let us study educational programs’ situation, in order that it can be better.

Key words: Keeping pace with the times、educational culture、entertainment competition

上传会员 巧乐兹 对本文的描述:如今的益智类节目活跃于电视荧幕中,以《非常了得》、《我爱记歌词》等节目为代表,迅速获得观众的喜爱。关注此类节目的观众不难发现,目前国内大部分益智类节目都经历了它诞......
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