
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-21
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ABSTRACT:With the new times coming, people’s live standard has been improved, but many social problems have also arisen. Owing to these problems, social work has got more developments and people pay more attention to it. Promoting to the development of social work is the need of constructing the harmonious society. We should bring the social work into the plan of social development to improve specialization of social work. Through this, social work could have the function to the society and economy.

    In the new times, there are so many conflicts in the social construction, so we should coordinate with the policy, government reformation, and social operation, service. And social work is the most important. From the view of social development, the value of the specialized social work, which focuses on servicing on the difficult people, has been appeared. The specialized social work is in the ministrant situation in our Country, but we believe that it will get improvement with the reformation of society.

   Now, social work is the power of modern social management and service, and it can condense people’s spirit. It is the main method of realizing the social harmony. The social work not only can contribute to prevent and solve the social problems but also can increase the Chinese Communist Party’s service level and it can improve the quality of service. It is also the need of constructing the harmonious society and improving the capability of the Chinese Communist Party.

Keywords: Social construction in mew times; specialized social work; service function

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:大社会就是社会组织不断发育壮大起来的,从治理国家层面上来讲,党和政府是领导;从管理社会层面上来讲,社会组织是主力。政府应当大力扶持社会组织的发展,充分发挥社会中间......
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