
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-21
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关键词:社区建设  专业社工  社区社工站


ABSTRACT:Along with the social work development and demand of urban community building, professional social workers with its unique advantages join into community building. They act as enablers, mediator, educator, and advocate to promote community awareness, helping disadvantaged recover social function .Based on a community social work station as an example, through the professional social work in-depth interviews and participatory observation, and on the basis of analysis of literature, explore the status of professional social workers in the city community building and the difficulties faced by: Their own quality improvement; Low social recognition and hard to carry out the services; Difficult to mobilize residents participate in community affairs; Government support is not enough and so on, these factors restrict the development of social work services and improve, but also restricts the further development of community building. Help to solve these dilemmas and attempt to propose feasible interventions, social work to overcome difficulties, better play to its function, and promote the building of the whole community.

Keywords:Community Building;  Professional Social Worker;  Community Social Work Station


上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:专业社工以其多样化的工作方式和秉承的“助人自助”理念成为社区建设中独特的一份子,发挥着重要作用。伴随着社会工作本土化的发展历程,专业社工在社区建设中亦面临诸多困难......
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