
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:小九 更新时间:2017-03-15
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Abstract:In the new era, college students’ vocational values have changed. At first, this paper describes the concept of college students’ vocational values and its internal connection with the career management. Then, this paper distinguishes the positive effects and the negative influence based on the analysis of the new characteristics. Finally, this article will give some suggestions on the society, colleges and individuals. We will put forward to strengthen the guidance of college students’ career management and guide the students to analyze career in the positive and healthy vocational values. We should definite our occupation ideal and goal, make proper career planning.


Key Words: University student; Professional values; Career management

上传会员 小九 对本文的描述:那么是什么原因造成了我国大学生就业难的问题呢?这与大学生职业价值观念的难以转变是分不开的。构建符合时代要求的职业价值观,拓宽大学生的求职视野,以此来作出最适合自己......
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