
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:每日一篇 更新时间:2013-06-02
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摘 要




关键词:松坪乡;普米族 ;火塘文化




Pumi fireplace is an essential daily part of life. Pumi, based on the worship of fire, the fireplace from the initial function of the basic material derived from a series of fireplace culture, etiquette and the transition to the spiritual culture of life. It contains a Primi family life, hierarchy and symbolism of livelihoods and culture from the fireplace to enjoy the spiritual and cultural symbolism and spiritual meaning. In this paper, Lijiang, for example, for the mother to Pumi home fireplace, fireplace interpretation of the mysterious culture and spirituality, this insight into the social and cultural life of Lijiang Pumi. 

Key words: Songping County ; Pumi; fireplace culture


上传会员 每日一篇 对本文的描述:塘是普米族日常生活中不可缺少的一部分。普米族在崇拜火的基础上,从最初火塘的基本物质性的功能衍生出一系列的火塘文化,过渡到人生礼仪和精神文化内涵。它蕴含了普米族家庭......
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