
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:致青春郑微 更新时间:2013-08-04
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关键词:  传统节日元素   广告   应用状况    营销    社会作用


Abstract:This thesis aims to study the tradition al elements in the advertising application, expression forms and the effect of traditional holiday advertisement on the social and existing communication problems.

   Nowadays, all kinds of traditional festivals are full of our life, and advertising appears in everywhere. Therefore, traditional elements in commercial application is complement. This thesis analyze from the festival of creative advertising, marketing, social function and effect four aspects, expound traditional festivals and advertising commodity forcibly combined with the lack of correlation, and the traditional festival culture history background of tampering will mislead the audience. According to these problems, put forward the improvement suggestion, make the content moere relevant to th needs,the public traditional culture communication more enhance, enlarge investment, raise the fabrication level , use a variety of media and build the specialized management, so as to achieve the best effect of communication.

Keyword:Traditional festive elements   Advertising  Application status  Marketing  Social role


上传会员 致青春郑微 对本文的描述:从节日广告的创意、营销、社会作用及使用效果四个层面对其进行分析,认为传统节日与广告商品强行结合缺乏关联,且对传统节日历史背景文化的篡改会误导受众。根据这些问题,提......
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