
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-17
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关键词:地方电视台;民族文化 ;发展


Abstract:Nowadays, television's media has been becoming boom in China, for local TV stations, especially  in minority areas, television stations how to dig its own advantages,  to develop with features and to seek the way to  develop which have become one of the  concerned subjects which related to the people whom in this area.By using summarized method, and investigated method to analyse Nujiang television station which is to spread culture as the core and to find the best way to develop for the local television station ,that would be able to find Nujiang television station spreads the informations with the feature of minority culture in the internal and external communication process, to take full advantage of the local culture , to use the government preferential policies, to overcome the constraints out of the woods and unique, finding a development to provide some references for the continuous development of the local television station of the ethnic minority areas.

Keywords: Local television station;National culture;Develop




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:积极保护和传承独具特色的少数民族文化,是怒江电视台长远的发展之计。怒江州电视台在传播民族文化过程中应充分发挥电视台积极的舆论导向作用,适当创新电视栏目的形式,积极......
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