
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-12
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ABSTRACT:left-behind children in rural areas are a special group of minors, which is also a new type of social vulnerable groups in China's economic transformation of rural laboring force.With the development of economic construction in our country, more and more transformation of rural laboring force gradually makes  the problems of rural left-behind children increasingly serious.The most direct evidence is the legitimate rights of rural left-behind children can not be effectively guarantee and protected.Thus,this paper is based on the problems rights of rural left-behind children of Midu, Dali as an example.focused on the existing problems of the protection of rights of left-behind children,finding out the reasons of these problems and geting out reasonable and effective measures to solve them so that these rights of left-behind children can be protected.This is not only beneficial to strengthen the protection of rights rural left-behind childrens, but also conducive to the development of Chinese characteristic socialism.

Keywords: Midu County;left-behind children; rights and interests ;problems;analysis of causes;countermove




上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:针对农村留守儿童权益保障存在的问题,寻找原因,提出合理有效的解决对策,以切实维护农村留守儿童的合法权益。这不仅有利于加强对农村留守儿童权益的保护,而且还有利于我国......
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