
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-16
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Abstract:As the provider of public goods,Government has a responsibility to provide pension insurance for residents in order that people will not be loss of old-age security for the elderly lose the ability to work. Endowment insurance for urban residents, as one of the types of social endowment insurance system, which is the addition for farmer's and the citizens' insurance in the past .Jiangyin implemented the pension insurance system for urban residents in 2011, taking the mode of the combination of social pooling and individual accounts. The area take people who are in the farmer's insurance and the citizens' insurance middle ground staff into the social endowment insurance system. Hand accounts, individuals annually according 100-1100grade standard fee, the government subsidies to pay more than make up, and to encourage collective organization funded individual. Insured person reaches the age of 60 can receive the basic pension of 120 yuan per month and individual account pension. This new policy significantly enhanced the social endowment insurance coverage in Jiangyin City, a variety of payment standards, mobilize the enthusiasm of the residents pay, but also the release of Jiangyin's private economy. But the new policy has many deficiencies, there is the problem of regulatory responsibility is not clear, the amount of basic pension is too low, it should be to improve policies, and strengthening the supervision and monitoring efforts to improve.

Key words: Jiangyin;Endowment insurance;Policy;Suggestion










上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:了解XX市在社会养老保险方面所实行的具体政策、社会养老金的缴纳办法与细节,并对比分析全国的养老保险概况,可以为当地相关部门制定和研究养老保险政策提供适当的经验参照。......
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