
资料分类:人文社会 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-16
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Abstract:With the constantly severe employment situation, encouraging and motivating  entrepreneurship has become a new topic that the current government and colleges and universities are facing with.This essay by using the survey data from the questionnaire of the undergraduate from six colleges of Changzhou, analysing the present entrepreneurial situation of Changzhou college students, and using linear regression method to analyze the factors that affect the students’entrepreneurial intentions. Found that a quarter of the student        have strong entrepreneurial intentions, the overall level of entrepreneurial intention is low.Men’willingness of  entrepreneurship are sronger than women.The junior college student is more like to do his own business than the undergraduate student.The higher grade, the lower level of entrepreneurial intentions. Different professional and different domicile place college students have no distinct difference in the entrepreneurial intentions. Regression analysis shows that grade variable, school education variable, business practices variable as well as the attention of national policy variable have obvious effects on the the will of the venture. The student who take entrepreneurial education courses and have more entrepreneurial activities have stronger entrepreneurial intentions.The more care about entrepreneurship policy, the stronger entrepreneurial intentions.

   According to the survey results, this paper puts forward countermeasures and suggestions to guide students to take the adventure. Including that we should further enriched and strengthen the education of college students' business, enrich the university student's pioneering work practice, and build a good campus cultural atmosphere of the venture. Otherwise we need to perfect business policy, strengthen college students' venture policy propaganda and strengthen the political cooperation between enterprises.Trying our best to improve the success rate of changzhou university student's pioneering work, etc.

Key words: College students;  Entrepreneurial Intentions;  Current situation; Influencing factors; Countermeasures




上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:利用XX市本科和高职共六所院校在校大学生的调查数据,研究分析了XX市大学生的创业意愿现状;并运用线性回归模型,从个人因素、家庭因素、学校因素和政策环境因素四个方面对XX市......
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