
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-07
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摘  要:本文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法等研究方法对XX学院公共体育课课程开设情况及非体育专业学生对三大球类及网球、健美操项目的选择情况等方面进行调查。结果显示:当前XX学院学生公共体育课选课中存在专业课与公共体育课选课时间冲突;XX学院排课方式是先安排专业课的上课时间然后在安排公体课的时间,并且在同一时间段也会出现专业课和公体课同存,因此,就会出现选课时专业课与公共体育课的时间冲突现象。由于选课系统只在固定的时间开放,而开放的时间也不长,并且公体课只安排在固定的时间段,选课时间过于集中,人数较多,因此学生选课时经常有“堵车”现象等问题,对所存在的问题进行分析研究,探索解决问题的对策与方法,提出以下建议,如:重视学生终身体育意识的培养,使学生对上公体课树立一个肯定的态度,而不仅仅是为了兴趣爱好和获取学分;在思想上,积极予以引导,促使学生在选择公共体育课项目时有一个正确的选择等,希望对XX学院公共体育教学俱乐部提供一定的教学参考。



ABSTRACT:In this thesis, I put to use the method of literature, questionnaire, interview method and other methods of public physical education to solve the questions of establishing the public physical education curriculum, students choosing the project and the factors of public sports courses in the investigation. The results indicate that nowadays some questions existing Honghe University , the time of students course public physical education course, project conflict ,“traffic" phenomenon, students lack of the consciousness :lifelong sports, etc. To this problems I studied and analyzed, and explore the solution to the problem of countermeasures and methods. Following suggestions were put forward, such as: the school should further adjust the elective system, to meet the needs of different groups of students need to; pay attention to the students' consciousness of lifelong physical education culture; in thought, actively guide students, in the selection of Public PE course projects have a right to choose, I hope to offer public sports teaching club of Honghe University certain teaching reference.

Keywords: public physical education;public physical education club;choosing course; existing condition analysis

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:从本院的实际出发,结合学生的身体、生理及健身的需要,实施俱乐部管理、课内课外一体化教学模式,学生自主选择时间、自主选择教师、自主选择项目,这样一来学生的学习热情和......
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