
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-29
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关键词:高脚竞速; 起脚拐前倾; 起脚拐后倾


ABSTRACT:This paper combines with the method of literature material, observational method, method of logical reasoning to analyse the first step technical statistics and the achievements of ten meters acceleration statistics of stilts lean forward and stilts lean backward. There are great difference between both technology, different technology effect greatly on result. Factors of influencing technology include weight, flexibility, height, balance, strength and so on. This paper combines with analytical findings of the first step and the achievements of ten meters acceleration of stilts lean forward and stilts lean backward to contrast and discuss the problems about large range of motion and connection is out of line with technology for stilts lean backward, and analyse two different characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of starting  ways. The result show that the technology of stilts lean forward is more advantageous than the technology of stilts lean backward for improvements of technology of start of a race.

Keywords : stilts match, stilts lean forward, stilts lean backward.


上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:结合起脚拐前倾和起脚拐后倾第一步和十米加速成绩统计的分析成果,对起脚拐后倾动作幅度大、技术衔接脱节等问题对比探讨,及对两种不同的起跑方式的特点和利弊进行分析。结果......
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