
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-23
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ABSTRACT:Football is the world's largest number of participants, the most influential sports, in recent years with the Five-man football in Colleges and universities in the popularization and development of campus, community, football matches and other events increasing, Fustal competition more and more college students attention. So to a certain extent on the Five-man football match in the current situation investigation and how to improve and enhance the quality of the game analysis has important significance. In this paper, through the use of literature, observation, interview, logic analysis and other research methods on the eighth Honghe University Futsal competition situation analysis. Analysis results show that, the eighth Honghe University Futsal Soccer game, girl student number less space resource utilization insufficient competition cycle extended, the competition process exists many problems, causing the game to play its true potential value. In addition, football referees and coaches training, there are still some problems and deficiencies. According to the conclusion proposed corresponding solutions and suggestions for developing, Honghe University Futsal Soccer level to provide reference, improve.

Key words: Honghe University;Futsal;The situation of competition




上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:五人制足球比赛参赛女生人数较少,场地资源利用不够,比赛周期延长,比赛过程中存在许多问题,导致比赛无法发挥其真正潜在价值。另外,足球裁判和教练员培训等还存在一些问题......
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