
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:姐妹花 更新时间:2014-01-21
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关键词:秘书 心理偏差 对策调整


Abstract: Secretary, as well as other activities, are consists of two aspects: mental and behavior. This occupation needs a healthy, positive mentality and good professional qualities. But as a result of its huge workloads, one will inevitably encounter unwanted and unfair matters, especially the competition in the current society is intense, along with high pressure. Thus unavoidably bring about the secretary's mental deviation. Common secretary mental deviation includes anxiety, depression and boredom, loss, inferiority and conceit, role dislocation, complain and dependence and so on. The bias will bring a negative impact on the secretary’s work. Only when these psychological deviations are correctly handled and with appropriate measures timely adjusted, can it helped to improve the work quality, and become the driving force of improvement of work efficiency.

Key words:Secretary  Secretary's psychological  deviation adjustment measures

上传会员 姐妹花 对本文的描述:由于秘书事务繁缛,任务繁重,工作中难免会遇到不如意或不公平的事。尤其目前社会竞争激烈,压力大,难免造成秘书的心理偏差。常见的秘书偏差心理有焦虑、压抑与厌烦、失落、......
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