
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:皇家戏子 更新时间:2014-02-15
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关键词 《舌尖上的中国》;民族性


Abstract:The documentary The Bite Of China is a real feast. It is the introduction of delicious food, tells the story of ordinary people's family, it is the embodiment of the ethnic Chinese. Nationality, the national character, refers to the character of the national characteristics in common. China has a vast territory, the myriads of changes in different geographical environment, regional food for people to eat is not the same, but China is also a country with an ancient civilization, history tradition, family inheritance, and has developed Chinese common character. The Bite Of China uses the documentary as the carrier, introduces many delicious Chinese food, exudes a strong human touch. In this paper, we will analysis the nationality of China, which is summarized as industriousness and simple,contentment, wisdom, thanksgiving,and attention to the concept of family.

Keywords  The Bite Of China  National characteristics 




上传会员 皇家戏子 对本文的描述:《舌尖上的中国》以纪录片为载体,以众多的中国美食为载体,散发着浓厚的人情味。本文在片中挖掘中国人的民族性,归纳为勤劳质朴、知足常乐、智慧、感恩、重视家庭的观念。......
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