
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:失去才懂珍惜 更新时间:2014-03-01
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关键词:薛涛 李清照 丈夫气 原因


ABSTRACT:The tang dynasty poet xue tao and the song dynasty poet Li Qingzhao are two splendid stars in the world of poetry. Through thousands of years, theirs poetries had been widely spread. On the one hand, their poetries express themselves’ personal feelings, which on behalf of the emotions in their lives, on the other hand, their poetries and themselves are all have distinctive manhood features. This thesis will make a comparative study between the two excellent women generations’ poetries. Firstly, this thesis will reflect the two poets’ manhood mentality through their works, and make a brief analysis the other women poets’ works of whom are in their times, so as to highlight the two poets’ manhood. Secondly,this thesis will analyze the similarities and differences of the two poets’ manhood in the poetries, which can grasp their creative features,At last, in order to analysis the specific reasons of the differences of the manhood between the two poets and any other women poets, this thesis will study the social and cultural background and ideological trend at that time when the two poets lies in, and the two poets’ personal destiny, and personality charm,so readers can get much more knowledge of the two cultural women giants.

Keywords:  Xue tao ;Li Qingzhao ;Manhood ;reason


上传会员 失去才懂珍惜 对本文的描述:薛涛、李清照属于不同的朝代,她们的各自遭遇也不尽相同,但她们都是她们各自那个年代中的女性翘楚人物。有别于中国古代文学史上的其他女性文人,薛涛、李清照的视野不局限于......
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