
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:失去才懂珍惜 更新时间:2014-03-01
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关键词:传统养生文化  电视节目  大众传播


ABSTRACT:Along with the development of our economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standard, more and more people pay more attention to health, focus on keeping in good health, advocate a healthy lifestyle. Nowadays, in order to satisfy the audience demand for health keeping in good health knowledge, health preservation popping up class television program. Health programs popular and popular, not only has promoting effect on inheriting the Chinese traditional culture, but also for the physical and mental health of the general public are also useful. Based on case studies and text research as main research method, through the real case analysis life-lessons the spread of TV programs on Chinese traditional health cultural role, so as to avoid disadvantages, normative health programs in order to achieve the purpose of better inheriting the Chinese traditional culture. Introduction mainly analyzing the propagation of the health food culture as well as the purpose and significance of this study. The text is divided into five parts, the first part briefly describes health class television program development history and its propagation function analysis; The second part analyze the health class television program development present situation; The third part is the analysis of preserve one's health class television program in spreading Chinese traditional health cultural advantages; The fourth part analysis the TV program at the problems existing in the Chinese traditional health cultural transmission; The fifth part puts forward reasonable Suggestions for the fourth part of the problem and the solving measures. 

Key words: Traditional health preservation culture;Television Programme;Mass communication


上传会员 失去才懂珍惜 对本文的描述:首先简述养生类电视节目发展历史及其应有的传播功能;然后对养生类电视节目的发展现状进行分析;进一步分析养生类电视节目在传播中国传统养生文化方面的优势和存在的问题;最......
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