
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:我不是叫兽 更新时间:2014-03-15
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关键词:屠格涅夫; 现实主义; 笑态; 艺术技巧


Abstract:Turgenev (1818-1883) was Russian realism of the 19th century the great writer, is one of the first world reputation of Russian writers. Many works of Turgenev its tone is tragic, but when authors in describing specific figures, smile often write their State. In Turgenev's works, meaning laugh is very extensive, can convey people joy, happiness, and good feelings, also reflect the characters sad, angry, brutal, sad and ugly thoughts. Author to superb description of skill: the art of laughter, shaping the image of a series of bright and vivid art, deep mining out of the inner world of the characters. Characters created by author, ready, vivid, realistic and rich of typical.Laugh more show TuGeNieFu works describing the sentimental fundamental key.

Keywords:Turgenev; realism; smiling State; art skills

上传会员 我不是叫兽 对本文的描述:屠格涅夫的作品里人物的笑真可谓千姿百态。为什么屠格涅夫这样重视笑的描写呢?笑的描写并未破坏整体悲情的基调,而是反衬了这种基调,给读者留下了而更深刻的印象。因为笑在......
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