
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:heat000 更新时间:2014-03-31
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关键词:毕淑敏; 幸福观;自我省视;入世-出世意识;救赎使命意识


【Abstract】 Bi Shumin in the works to show the sense of the life and human feelings, including her thoughts on life, her "people" how independent individual pursuit of happiness of unique insights. Can have a wide range of readers groups in contemporary Bi Shumin, performance theme is closely connected with her work, how "independent individual pursuit of happiness of understanding and awareness of different Bi Shumin the concept of happiness is gradually deepening. Said the theme of happiness at the same time, she works to show a lot of the beauty of human nature. "The literature of the angels" is the title of Wang Meng dedicated to Fus. Bi Shumin the one hand, literature, on the one hand, the doctor, a few years of life experience, these words is very appropriate thing to summarize. As a woman writer, her brush strokes not only stay in the natural, is to remain in life. So in her pen we see is the one with eyes full of wisdom in life, the life of rational thinking wise.

【Key words】 The concept of happiness; Life of self-inspect; Enthusiasm for accession spectators awareness; Sincere sense of mission of salvation

上传会员 heat000 对本文的描述:当代具有影响力的女作家毕淑敏,11年高原军旅生活,当过军医,又在医学和文学之间选择文学,弃医从文后攻读心理学博士,创办心理咨询中心,独特的人生之旅使她对幸福有着丰富而......
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