
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:heat000 更新时间:2014-03-31
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关键词:《桃花扇》; 孔尚任; 幻灭; 


Astract: the peach blossom fan, "the great help to the elementary right has not, and people can the tripod; night Su, and under the feast; the ShiJian, and ACTS of green shoes and hats table; the dew, or in the blood the historiography of vocals." Whether the loyal, cunning ShiKeFa patriotic treacherous court official MaShiYing, wei yan RuanDaCheng monstrous sons, ShiJian of the complex club four childe, or XiaGanYiDan artist LiuJingTing and SuKunSheng, whether they are in the upper or lower level of society, history in the vortex of wandering ups and downs, the individual's value and the ideal and the reality of the Ming dynasty in FuWang collide, and to burst and end. The peach blossom fan so convey deep hollowness. 

Key words: the peach blossom fan; Kong Shangren; Disillusioned; 

上传会员 heat000 对本文的描述:在《桃花扇》中,史可法是一个忧国忧民、忠贞正直的民族英雄的形象,是明王朝主战派的代表。他曾参与反对权奸的正义斗争;在民族危亡的紧急关头,他积极从事抗清活动,以至最......
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