
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-02
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【关键词】张恨水; 文学史; 地位


Abstract: Zhang Hen-shui is the outstanding writer of popular novel in history of modern Chinese literature. Zhang Hen-shui proved the new and old culture fashion the possibility of transformation with his literature creation. It has the vital significance on today's literary modernity construction. It goes through a tortuous course. This article is by comparing 30s-90s Zhang Hen-shui novels in the literary history of the change, Analysis of the literary world in each period evaluation opinions and evaluation standard, explore the influence of the transformation of the evaluation internal factors, and strive to take an examination of Chinese modern literature to debate the transformation of the popular novel evaluation and its significance.

Keywords: Zhang Hen-shui;  history of literature;  status

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:长期以来,张恨水的小说虽然受读者喜爱,但是文学理论界对他的小说褒贬不一,对张恨水小说的研究热潮也未曾褪却过。现在,张恨水小说在我国文学史上确立了极高的历史地位。但......
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