
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:乐悠悠7788 更新时间:2014-04-20
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[摘要] 莫泊桑关于普法战争的中短篇小说以其对小人物所遭遇的种种困境的描述,将小人物与上层人物进行比较,凸显出小人物形象的高大和大人物的卑劣渺小,讴歌法国普通民众的爱国救国壮举,记录了战争中民众的隐忍、卑微、勇敢、顽强的复杂交织,同时也揭露了普鲁士侵略军的残暴,表达了作者对战争的厌恶与反对。

[关键词] 莫泊桑 普法战争 小人物  勇气 爱国行为 反抗


[Abstract]  Maupassant’s novels about the Franco-Prussian always describe with the small characters who encounter various difficulties in their lives. He prefers comparing the small characters with the elites, using the so-called “big men”s’ despicable to highlight the small ones’ greatness. His novels always eulogize the feat of ordinary French people who loves and saves their country, recording their complex feeling such as bear. humble, brave and tenacious in the war ,exposing the Prussian invasion army’s atrocities to express the author’s disgust and against of war. 

[Key words]  Maupassant   Franco-Prussian War  small characters courage  patriotic action  resistance

上传会员 乐悠悠7788 对本文的描述:他选取了以小人物的生活境遇为视点,写下了大量的有关普法战争的作品,讴歌法国普通民众的爱国壮举,抨击了所谓上等人在祖国危难时的虚伪与无耻,同时也揭露了普鲁士侵略军的......
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